Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Health in later life(health promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Health in later life(health promotion - Essay Example Despite knowing how to prevent diseases and promote well-being, the difficulty of health promotion really lies on transferring it in a manner that can be readily used by its target population (World Health Organization, 1986). After identifying the physical, psychological, financial and social changes associated with aging, this study focuses on discussing health promotion’s importance, methods and issues, in terms of it being directed to the elderly population. It should be noted that with the advancements in medicine, life expectancy has been continuously increasing dramatically (Schoeni, Freedman and Wallace, 2005). Statistics show that certain diseases, such as cancer and heart diseases, are more prevalent among the elderly. Physiologic aging causes changes in taste sensation, bone and muscular weakness, resulting in a loss of appetite, poor nutrition and decrease in mobility (Saxon, Etten and Perkins, 2009). In fact, muscle strength decreases by 15% per decade for those older than 50 and by 30% for those aged 70 and above, primarily due to sarcopenia, or loss of muscle mass, which is common among women than men (Nied and Franklin, 2002). Limitations in activities of daily living had been found to decrease life expectancy by almost three years (Lubitz, et al., 2003). Malnutrition contributes to weaker immune system, making them more at risk of acquiring infections such as high-risk community acquired pneumonia (Saxon, Etten and Perkins, 2009). Financial status is also an issue for the elderly, because they are usually retired or unemployed, limiting their resources (Naduva, 2007). In addition, those with difficulties in activities of daily living have an expected cumulative expenditure greater by almost $10, 000 than those without functional disability. Those who were admitted in institutions also spend considerably greater than those

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Compare and contrast at least Three theoretical perspectives on Essay

Compare and contrast at least Three theoretical perspectives on healthcare management and leadership - Essay Example Leadership seems to be a trending topic even in healthcare where better leadership is considered to be a significant factor in improving quality of healthcare and organizational processes (Hartley & Benington, 2010). The study compares and contrasts three leadership and management theories that include transformational theory, Shared leadership theory and situational theory because leadership theories are dynamic and change with time. Transformational leadership Transformational theory usually goes beyond traditional style of transactional leadership and elaborates that people work effectively if the individuals have a sense of mission. Healthcare systems experience various challenges and chaos as healthcare organizations increasingly face complex problems, which motivate organizations to embrace transformational leadership. Transformational leadership considers a leader to be an individual that is capable of enabling others to act and even converting the followers to become leaders who in turn can be agents of change (Roussel, 2013). This model influence arise from the power of being a leader although the leader never uses the power to control or even repress constituents but rather a transformational leader empowers the constituents to have vision regarding the organization. In transformational theory energy initiates and sustains activities that translate intentions into reality; hence, in this perspective leadership is not concerned with so much exercise of power but rather focuses on empowering others (Borkowski, 2009). However, this does not imply that leaders in this approach relinquish power but instead emphasizes reciprocity exchange between leaders and constituents. The approach links the purpose of the leader to that of the constituent, which results in collective purpose which empowers staff and activates critical thinking in the staff’s roles in an organization and develops commitment in staff an essential asset for any organization (Goodwin , 2013). Transformational leaders mobilize staff through focusing on the welfare of people in the work environment because leadership experts recommend styles that empowers and recognizes collaboration instead of competition (Roussel, 2013). When the working atmosphere is empowering, people get empowered and feel part of a team and consider themselves to be contributors to the success of an organization. In healthcare, empowerment may result in increased patient care, reduced staff sick days as well as reduced attrition. Transformational healthcare leaders tend to have a staff that has high job satisfaction and who remain in an organization for a prolonged period (WHO, 2008). However, for healthcare leaders who always want to be in charge, the method may make them feel threatened by sharing their power with the staff. Moreover, although effective leadership supports shared power, the leader accepts responsibility in decision making even when the decision made is unpopular. In this a pproach, constituents like their wishes to be considered; however, there are times like in a crisis when constituents require prompt and clear decisions from the leader and this is where situational theory comes in. Because of the flexibility of a transformational leader, a leader in this approach is able to adapt styles for